Service Inspection

Do you have the necessary information to effectively manage your facility services and reduce associated costs?
Large real estate portfolios typically consist of hundreds of properties that require millions of dollars per year for maintenance services. Facility managers typically use a wide range of service providers in dozens of categories, including HVAC, electrical handyman, and janitorial services, which creates a high degree of complexity to effectively manage.

An Integrated Service Provider Management Solution —Geospatial Analytics Inspect InSite™

An agile, cost-effective solution that is simple to deploy and to use that solves service management data collection challenges.

The cost, timeliness, and overall performance of these service providers are crucial for efficient operations. In many cases, facility managers at multiple locations use different service providers, without a program-level analysis of the overall performance and effectiveness of the vendors. Service provider selection and management are often based on subjective criteria, rather than objective decision making based on analytics.
Despite advances in facility management technologies, many facility service managers still rely on manual paper-based processes and spreadsheets to track and compare service provider performance. These processes are inherently inefficient, error-prone, and cumbersome. Legacy systems often present expensive, complex, and inflexible environments that cannot easily compare service performance and cost analysis across a complex portfolio. At best, these challenges lead to an incomplete understanding of the overall cost and performance of service providers, and at worst, they result in significant costs that could have been avoided.

Facility managers need a more efficient and effective solution to manage facility service providers, track service timeliness and performance, and optimize cost versus risk.

The Opportunity

Facilities managers need objective data on the actual cost, timeliness, and performance of vendors. Efficiently gathering this data opens a wealth of opportunities, such as performance improvement, cost reductions, increasing timely delivery, and consolidating work assignments to the highest performing vendors. The key is being able to efficiently gather this data across all service categories, across the entire portfolio, in an integrated, consistent, and objectice manner.

Efficient capabilities to collect vital data in a consistent manner
Complete service provider performance information
Cost saving through better service management
Accurate service provider information
Aid for better informed, timely service decision making
Improved emergency repair response

The Solution

Geospatial Analytics Inspect InSite™ is a data gather tool that enables you to efficiently create and maintain an inventory of service provider cost, timeless, quality, and overall performance, and:

Enables personnel to easily gather and input service provider data for all your facilities
Enables gathering and input of needed information from a wide variety of sources and stakeholders
Ensures that gathered information on service providers is consistent, objective, and standardized
Facilitates efficient data collection using an intuitive mobile application
Integrates easily with existing systems to provide additional information as needed
Adapts easily to your organization's specific service requirements
Enhanced data to support contract negotiations with service providers
Improved decision support for optimizing service offerings

How You Benefit

Geospatial Analytics Equipment InSite™:
Provides the functionality that your service managers need to develop business intelligence for strategic analysis, cost management, and optimizing performance.

Provides comprehensive visibility into your service providers' costs, timeliness, and quality
Enables the use of powerful analytics your vendors provide
Allows for the aggregation of all the vital information that is available to all stakeholders to optimize outcomes
Enables risk-based evaluations of cost/performance trade-offs for services across the portfolio
Provides transparency to service provider negotiation process to allow for real-time management
Enhances your service provider network, and drives better overall performance for all services
Easily adapts to changing business requirements
Intuitive interface allows for all internal stakeholders to create, access, and utilize the information
Low-cost solution is affordable and can be quickly configured and deployed
The clients of Geospatial Analytics® have over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS in combined real estate asset valuation. Not only do their clients trust them to add value to their business ventures, the satisfaction of the client base is demonstrated by a 98% Customer Retention Rate.

The end goal in portfolio and process management is optimization. Capital-intensive assets are distributed to best meet demand, and the organizations responsible for long-range planning and utilization are fully in control.

Outdated business processes are strangling organizational goals of increased productivity and flexibility. Employees struggle to achieve basic awareness of assets, working through disconnected database and functional silos.

A strong process and information foundation creates a platform from which higher value goals can be pursued. Increased operational awareness, better decision-making and shared information lead to a sense of gaining control.