Case Study

Asset Management
County Government
Client is one of the most affluent County Governments in the United States, with over 100 properties within their commercial real estate portfolio. Client was using spreadsheets to collect and manage information regarding critical equipment and fixed assets at all of its municipally-owned locations. They desired to be able to establish an enterprise-wide asset management program. Wanted a partner who could help establish a technology road map to enhance capital planning objectives and provide superior decision-making insight. They partnered with Geospatial Analytics® because of the team's extensive asset management track record, agile-yet-simple technology solutions and strong project team credentials.


  • Utilizing spreadsheets to collect and manage data was difficult to manage.
  • Unclear knowledge of current inventory and condition of equipment
  • Impaired data creating subjective based decisions
  • Needed Asset Management at the Enterprise Level

Solution for Data Capture

Mobile Inspection Form

To address the unwieldy use of spreadsheets to capture data, Geospatial Analytics® helped the client implement a mobile inspection form that created a consistent and efficient method of data collection.

Geospatial Analytics® configured the inspection template to specific items that the client required. The client could make immediate changes to the template as new requirements were identified.

Geospatial Analytics® quickly and easily deployed the mobile inspection form, without the need for significant training or support.

Benefits :


A custom template with embedded business intelligence that guides the user through a set of questions that are unique to any given asset that is being inspected.


The team replaced subjective opinions of conditions with objective criteria and standards, enabling fact-based decision making on needed investments.


Electronic real time aggregation of data resulted in a significant reduction in the time spent accomplishing inspections in the legacy paper based environment.

Equipment Inventory
The team deemed that aggregating data obtained from inspections was critical to the success of the effort. Leadership needed the ability to easily obtain information on specific pieces of equipment, but also create comprehensive portfolio views. The information obtained was also needed to updated the Client's property management objectives, as well as work with their current facility maintenance platform. Geospatial Analytics® helped the Client implement a web-based portal where inspection results were automatically stored and could be used in support of facility maintenance and repair activities.



Provided a complete equipment inventory including related condition.


Allowed leadership to have an accurate view of all equipment for improved capital planning and management of related facilities management efforts.


The ability to have an accurate equipment list made it possible to improve accuracy of financial forecast for preventative and corrective maintenance activities.


Asset Management Program

Geospatial Analytics® supplied a robust set of capabilities for an enterprise-level asset management program, including analytics and scenario modeling.

Use of various levels of Uniformat codes and a facility condition index (FCI) in the tool created a fact-based, objective decision support environment.

The asset management program could consistently and objectively track assets' original value, condition, and life expectancy to properly manage risk and create accurate financial forecasts.

Benefits :


The Client was able to formalize the program and establish a five-year capital plan and associated budgets and required actions.


Decisions regarding proactive replacement of end of life equipment could now be performed with a view to the entire portfolio and the related condition, improving the decision-making and prioritization which decreased overall risk.


Having a reliable asset management program allowed the Client to accurately forecast future actions, thus allowing them to aggregate their sourcing for purchases of replacement equipment, as well as related services.


Typical System Configuration


Optimized System Configuration



Geospatial Analytics® Case Study:
Asset Management County Government
Contact us when you're ready to see results like the ones illustrated in this Case Study. Upgrade your company and experience heightened efficiency.

The end goal in portfolio and process management is optimization. Capital-intensive assets are distributed to best meet demand, and the organizations responsible for long-range planning and utilization are fully in control.

Outdated business processes are strangling organizational goals of increased productivity and flexibility. Employees struggle to achieve basic awareness of assets, working through disconnected database and functional silos.

A strong process and information foundation creates a platform from which higher value goals can be pursued. Increased operational awareness, better decision-making and shared information lead to a sense of gaining control.

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